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Navigating the Gen Z Market: Tips for Reaching the Next Generation of Shoppers

What do we know about Generation Z? Who exactly are they? What is Generation Z consumer behavior? In this article, we’ll learn more about Gen Z and the new age we’re heading into.

Millennials and Generation Z hold the purchasing power of the future. Buying power, spending power, and brand loyalty have made both generations major commerce opportunities. While we have a good understanding of Millennials, but we still have a lot to learn about the Zoomers, or “Homeland Generation.” We consider today’s consumers as though they were born decades later, with different priorities and expectations.

Characteristics of Gen Z.  What is so special about this generation?

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z or Zoomers, is a demographic cohort that follows the Millennial generation. Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up with the internet and social media being so common. They were born between 1997 and 2012. This has shaped their values, consumer behaviors, and expectations as buyers in significant ways. Of course, this is a broad generalization, but the following criteria can help us define this generation.

Begin with the most essential things. Zoomers are technologically smart. Gen Z is the generation that grew up with the internet and technology as constants in their lives. They are naturally good at using a wide range of digital tools and platforms, which is why we sometimes call them “Digital Natives.” Post-Millennials can easily find their way around the internet and use it. They are now self-sufficient. Gen Z are a trailblazing generation that respects independence and self-direction. They are driven by the desire to forge their own path in life. And, what’s more, they’re diverse. Generation Z is the most diverse generation in history. They come from many different places and have had many different kinds of experiences. They are accepting and open-minded, and they appreciate variety and inclusion.

The strong sense of social and environmental responsibility that Gen Zers have shaped their consumer behavior. This generation tends to be more aware of and concerned about social and environmental problems than previous generations. And they often get involved in helping and speaking out for causes related to these problems. Zoomers are also known for paying close attention to a company’s track record on social and environmental issues before making a purchase. This demonstrates a deep understanding and appreciation for the impact that their actions can have on the world around them. Whether through volunteering, participating in activism, or simply making informed choices as consumers, Gen Z is a generation that is committed to making a positive difference in the world.

​​And here is a contradiction of all I’ve heard about the new generation of spoiled children: in the end, they are very enterprising, adaptable, and super collaborative. Well, boomers did not expect this. They are driven to create their own opportunities and are more likely to start their own businesses or work on side hustles and freelance projects. They also grew up in an environment that was always changing and upsetting. This made them very adaptable and flexible, so they could quickly adjust to new situations. Also, they value working as a team and collaborating with others. They often look for ways to work in groups and share ideas with others through social media and other online platforms.

Businesses have a big chance to learn about Generation Z as a new type of customer and shopper and meet their needs.

Shoppings habits and preference of Gen Z.

Many ecommerce companies are owned by people over the age of 40. These business owners frequently bring their own habits and preferences to the table when creating and managing their online businesses. Connecting with younger generations, specifically Generation Z consumers, can sometimes be challenging. Due to their unique tastes and behaviors that may differ significantly from older generations.

This generation, which is often called “IGen,” has grown up in a culture of always being connected. They are getting things quickly, and this shows in the way they buy things. Online shopping by generation Z is clear as a day. They are used to being able to find and buy things online at any time. And they like shopping experiences that are easy, personalized, and good for the environment.

E-commerce store owners need to keep up with the latest trends and shopping habits of their target market in order to offer a relevant and appealing shopping experience for this group. The owners of e-commerce stores need to know what their target market is doing and what the latest trends are so they can give this group a relevant and appealing shopping experience.

For instance, Zoomers tend to be more skeptical of companies and traditional forms of advertising compared to older age groups. Today’s youth are more inclined to rely on the suggestions of their peers on social media sites like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok than they are to rely on traditional news outlets. To a large extent, Gen Z’s purchasing habits are influenced by influential users of these sites. Generation Z is more inclined to trust the opinions and experiences of these influencers than those of businesses or corporations because they are more authentic and relatable to them. Younger individuals of Generation Z may be more influenced by their peers and online communities than older members of the same generation.

How to get these new kinds of customers into your shop.

To figure out what Gen Z consumers want, you have to look at how they buy things and make decisions. Gen Z is known for having a unique view of the world and being aware of its needs. As a result, we should first investigate how individuals make purchases and how they make decisions. Where does Gen Z shop the most? 

Analysis of Generation Z consumer behavior. 

Zoomers are more likely to buy things directly through social media, according to an Accenture survey on Gen Z shopping habits in 2022. Generation Z online shopping statistics said that more than two-thirds of people use social media to shop, and 44% say it’s a good way to get ideas for what to buy. In the last year, 37% of people have used social media more to decide what to buy. Social media has been the modern game changer for digital-native consumers. 

Well, let’s move on. Research shows that 73% of the new generation of customers are interested in certain fashion options that are offered like a subscription. 71% of those who answered liked the idea of automatic replenishment programs, and 38% are willing to try out voice-activated ordering. We can draw the clear conclusion that new methods of shopping are in demand. 

Almost 70% of Generation Z buyers have posted reviews. 40% said they often submit comments. What does this tell us? Comments and reviews are extremely significant to zoomers. They are happy to leave them and consider them a deciding factor.

In fact, 72% of Gen Z online shopping respondents said they had bought something through a mobile app in the past year. Only 44% of millennials and 24% of Gen Xers said they had done the same. This shows how important it is for businesses that want to attract Gen Z customers to make shopping easy on mobile devices and offer mobile payment options.

Tips for appealing to Gen Z consumers.

What motivates Gen Z to buy? Based on this information, we can predict generation Z consumer behavior. How are they thinking about and making purchases? As well as what has to be done to attract them. All of the above leads us to the following tips for luring the younger generation to your store.

Focusing on social marketing, which is a big part of how people get ideas and make decisions, is a good way to attract young consumers from Generation Z. Your brand’s or product’s presence on social media should be constant. From the perspective of the next generation, the material you will provide is essential. Video material is the best bet; it does not have to be specifically connected to your product, but it should be broadly relevant. Tik Tok launched a new era in sales with their short videos, and everyone else followed suit on Instagram, Facebook, and even YouTube. Your material should be available on all of these social networks. It might be reviews, unboxings, or just funny short-format videos that are trendy.

The use of influencers, bloggers, and opinion leaders in marketing strategies should be fundamental. Collaboration with well-known, popular bloggers is expensive. But there are always some influencers who can make your advertising on a low budget have a high benefit.

Also, it’s very important to have a website that works well on mobile devices, has a responsive design, and makes it easy to check out. This is where cooperation between your business and professional developers is of great importance.  It doesn’t matter which platform you choose; it’s very important who works with you to maintain that platform.

Consider using personalization technologies and targeted marketing to provide a more personalized purchasing experience. This experience, I believe, will appeal to all client segments, not just Gen Z. Personalized mailings, as well as the opportunity to save sizes and propose goods based on prior searches or purchases, individual attention, and the ability to customize items in your range of offerings. Any chance to stand out and demonstrate your uniqueness is encouraged.

 Getting customers to write reviews and ratings and putting them in a prominent place would definitely help build trust. A good review and good feedback make for a great experience. Especially for people who are just thinking about buying something in the future. But keep in mind that the younger generation will look up your company in a matter of seconds. And if they find out you are fake and manipulating the process, all of the good reviews will go away. Young purchasers provide comments on all available resources, especially if their experience was disappointing.

Well, to sum it up, there is content and social media, bloggers and influencers, a mobile app or a site that works well on mobile devices, a personalized experience, and reviews. Use these tips, and your success is guaranteed.


  • Olga Diejewa

    Hi there, I'm Olga, an ecommerce store owner with 12 years of experience. I'm also a published author at where I share my ecommerce expertise with others. When I'm not busy running my store, you can find me playing tennis, traveling or hanging out with my furry friend Joko!

    Diejewa Olga

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