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Platform specific product restriction or products you can’t sell online on different platforms. Part 1

We live in an age of virtual reality where  practically everything may be purchased online. However, you might be shocked to learn about some of the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by various online marketplaces, payment processors, and delivery firms.  Imagine… Read More »Platform specific product restriction or products you can’t sell online on different platforms. Part 1

Creating product descriptions with Chat GPT and other generative AI models. Testing  Chat GPT, Hypotenuse, Jasper, Bing Chat.

Owning an online business is more difficult than it seems on the surface. There is a need for ongoing growth and adaptation to the ever-shifting environment. It’s not easy being a businessman anywhere, but in the world of e-commerce, it’s… Read More »Creating product descriptions with Chat GPT and other generative AI models. Testing  Chat GPT, Hypotenuse, Jasper, Bing Chat.